Friday 17 August 2012


Not talking about Mary's Assumption but it was the other day and the team and I went to the Cathedral in Townsville and it was beautiful. About a fifth full and the singing was incredible. People lifted their voices to celebrate the feast. 

Last year I came to Australia with many assumptions. Below are some of the assumptions that have all been proved wrong.

1) Australia is hot all year round.

It most certainly is not!!!! Melbourne from March - September is incredibly cold. Lows of freezing sometimes and during the day the sun only feels hot between 11 and 2. I got the shock of my life when we needed to use jumpers, double blankets and heaters to stay warm at night. During the summer season, it is stunning. Real hot and depending where you are it is either very humid, very dry or very very wet. Being in Townsville at the moment is comfortable, sometimes I need a jumper but mostly if you don't put on some sun cream you will get burnt. I love this country and the weather is just a massive bonus.

2) AFL

Australian Football League, Aussie Rules, 'Gay'FL whatever you want to call it (the last one is a term used by people in Queensland for AFL, I don't condone or approve of it but it is a commonly used term. I went to the MCG a few times last year. For you English, that is the home of cricket in Australia and the place of great victory last ashes! Seeing AFL on the TV is very different from watching it live. It is fun to watch it on TV as you get the commentator expelling things and giving you background information but you miss what all the other players are doing. I can't be bothered to explain the rules here so here is a link if you care: 
I love AFL, it is a great game to watch and a lot of fun to mess around and play. Go Hawks! The team I follow is Hawthorne Hawks. Going really well this year and looking good for the flag. (win)

3) All Aussies sound the same

Nope not true, it's a little bit like the north south divide in the UK, the higher up you go the stronger the accents get. Think north sounds more like Steve Irwin and south sounds more like Adam Hills.

The last assumption I made was a personal one, and that was that I was already a 'good enough' Christian. I was most definitely wrong. My year and 8 months in Oz have been productive for my faith on a massive scale. My daily prayer is a rock in my life and when I miss it or I don't try I can see the effects of that over the course of my day.

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for you

"For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope"
(Jeremiah 29:11)


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