Wednesday 22 August 2012

Music to my ears

Over the last year and a half I have been song writing. I have no idea when I will record them or show them to people but it has been a part of my prayer. I sit down with my guitar and I end up with a verse and chorus, or a really simple catchy refrain. I love music and something that I have been blessed with is being surrounded by fantastic musicians. One of the great things about being on NET is that everyone loves music, in some way, wether it be playing, singing, writing, listening to one direction, whatever. 

NET is a charismatic ministry that uses praise and worship for it's team prayers and community prayers. I only experienced it a few times in England but I loved it, or at least I knew it was something that I wanted to continue doing. Over here, it is a daily part of my life. As a team we have team prayer and that consists of anything we want. But without fail we sing and play songs. I love sharing my gift and bringing others into that prayerful mood through music. For anyone who has not tried it then I recommend it. Very freeing and a great way to meet Jesus and invite him into your life.

I am planning on recording some stuff this year and then uploading onto this blog and onto my youtube channel (watch this space). 

In other news......

I have added two pages to my blog, Photos and Saints. As time goes on I will post photos and add stories from and about saints as well as quotes that I find. It is a work in progress and I ask for patience as I try and find time to put it together.


Next year I will be staying in Australia, I will be working for NET staff and living in Brisbane. I love Brisbane, I love NET and I love this country. If anyone reading this would like more information on what I do and are interested in doing it then just email me or Facebook me with what you want to know. NET are looking for 60 volunteers this year to fill ten teams placed all around Australia. It is a great ministry to be a part of. Think about it!

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for you

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
(1 Thessalonians 5:24)


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