Saturday 4 August 2012

Here it goes again........

Ok, so I have not updated this since January 2011! What a joke!

For those that were interested, I am sorry.

Me August 2012!

Well, first I should start with where I am at right now. I live in Townsville. Townsville is in North Queensland in Australia. I am living with four others working for the same company as before, NET Ministries. NET is a Catholic peer to peer youth ministry that spreads the message of the Gospel around Australia. I love what I do and I enjoy it more than anything else. Currently me and my team run retreat days, RE classes, youth groups, we help out at diocesan events and a lot of face to face time with young people to be a witness of Jesus Christ to them.

As time goes on I will update with what I have already experienced so far down under. It will come in bits and pieces as no one wants to read a really long blog post.

I want all those people that know me to know that since I have left England I have grown into my faith and experienced God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my work and in my daily life. I have not changed as a person I am still the Sean people know, once knew or never knew but I am not the Sean that left. 

Every blog post I put up will contain a memory or event from the last year and a half. So the first one is from last year at the very beginning of training. We (all the volunteers) were getting into vans to drive up to a place called Peregian for our five weeks of training. I ended up in the passenger seat of the van next to a bloke called Danny. Now Danny and I hit it off straight away. So many similar interests and we both loved music. The whole van ride was spent chatting and getting to know each other. Undoubtedly my best mate in Oz. We spent a lot of training really becoming good friends. This year I had the pleasure of being at his wedding as he married his beautiful wife Carla.

Danny and I playing at our training showcase.

So many wonderful things have happened to me and I cannot wait to share them with you all.

At the moment I do not know where to start so I will just start with some pictures of who I live with, who I have lived with, everyone I work with on NET and some other stuff.

My team from 2011, Mazenod College Team

The 2012 NET Ministries 'Netters' Volunteers

My current team - The 2012 Townsville Diocese Team and the wonderful people I live with!

Some incredible people on a retreat last year

Enjoying some relaxation

Getting ready for a retreat!

Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. 
(Zechariah 4:6)


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