Friday 28 September 2012

TV, Jesus and Sun....


A few months ago I had a huge experience in Adoration. For those who don't know, Adoration is the exposing and adoring of the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. A young adult in Townsville arranged an all night adoration prayer time to pray for the upcoming elections. It was to trust in God that the right people would be elected. I don't really follow Australian politics but I understand that it was a good result for the Christian church in Australia.
I have always struggled in adoring the Blessed Sacrament. I believe that Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist and that his true presence is made known but I find it hard to look at him and pray. A piece of bread in a Gold monstrance, was sometimes all I saw. But that night, I saw Jesus. Not a person standing before me, not a vision, not a piece of bread that 'represents' Jesus but the body of Christ that died for me. The Adoration took place on a Friday night, so I prayed the rosary. The rosary has always been a difficult prayer for me to pray. It just felt like repetition. But I saw the sacrifice that God made for me, for us, for everyone. I saw Jesus for 5 hours that night. I'm not putting a figure on it to impress or show off. I was, however, proud of myself. Spending time in Jesus' presence is the most valuable, sacred, time worthy act we can do as Catholics. Wether it be receive Him in the Eucharist or just look, it is the most powerful prayer in the world.

"In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host. Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering." “With the Synod Assembly, therefore, I heartily recommend to the Church’s pastors and to the People of God the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, both individually and in community”
Pope Benedict XVI, February 22, 2007, Sacramentum Caritatis, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation.

It has been incredibly busy lately, we are preparing for a conference/ retreat in Cairns called Breakthrough. It is a wonderful thing to plan an event like this for young people. Trying to see what we can do to help them in their faith and their relationship with Jesus is a blessing and one that I hold very highly. It is of great importance for us to share and live out our faith as an example for others. I read a good quote the other day but I'm not sure who said it. "Just as standing in a Garage does not make you a car, going to church does not make you a Catholic" (it may have been Christian). Our faith is one that needs to be lived every day. It is never easy to do because of what the world throws at us. I encourage everyone to spend time with Jesus and be with him. That is where it should start, and putting out faith and trust in Jesus will bring us to greater, deeper understanding of what God wants us to do in our life.
Also people should read this article, great writer and great topic 

and then check out his blog

And then on some unrelated notes, Leverage is the greatest TV show in the world. Planning an epic trip up the coast this Christmas, mum wants actual Christmas on the beach. Cannot wait! Only 5 weeks to go till I am back in Brisbane, gonna be the longest 5 weeks, so much to do and never enough time, but with God all things are possible.

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for you

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
(Ecclesiastes 3:11)


Friday 21 September 2012

Heating up....

So, it has been a few weeks I think since I wrote anything.

Boy it has been busy.

Few things to share with you.

Everyone should rent/buy a film called 'Boy'. A very funny (slightly off the wall) Kiwi (New Zealand) film about Maori life. Bit rude at times but very funny. Watched it 2 Kiwi's and they explained all the stuff I didn't get. It has been great to live with so many different nationalities since I got here and learn about so many other cultures. I have lived with 4 Australians (1 with Italian background, 1 with Maltese background and 1 with Vietnamese, 1 with Irish), 2 Americans, 4 Kiwi's (1 full Kiwi, 2 Samoan Kiwi's and 1 Tuvaluan Kiwi) and that is just the people I lived with in houses in Melbourne and Townsville. The other people on NET have come from: USA, Canada, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Brazil, England and probably other places but I forget. It is such a mix of nationalities and it just creates the biggest mash of accents and conversations.

Townsville is getting real hot. It hasn't rained here since we got back. 3 months and no rain. getting up to 30 degrees and were not even in summer yet. between 8 and 10pm it averages 20 degrees. I get to do a ministry I love and I get to do it in fantastic weather.

It makes such a difference from last year in Melbourne where the weather was cold for most of the year I was there. It is a beautiful place down in Victoria but cold unless your in summer, which I was not.

Heading into the last 6 weeks of the year for ministry and the last 2 years for me have flown by. I cannot believe that I arrived on Jan 2nd 2011 and I have done all I have. I am so excited to live in Brisbane next year and work with some incredible people who have a huge heart for bringing young adults closer to Jesus and help them throughout their mission year. It will be such a change to go from running retreats for the last 5 years to working in an office and making phone calls, sitting in front of a computer all day, meetings, planning events etc but I look forward to it so much.

Also in great news, my mummy and sister are coming over to Australia for maybe a month this christmas. Yay! So excited to show them a beautiful part of the world. Gonna be a great road trip with the fam.

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayer for you

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
(Psalm 118:1)


Wednesday 22 August 2012

Music to my ears

Over the last year and a half I have been song writing. I have no idea when I will record them or show them to people but it has been a part of my prayer. I sit down with my guitar and I end up with a verse and chorus, or a really simple catchy refrain. I love music and something that I have been blessed with is being surrounded by fantastic musicians. One of the great things about being on NET is that everyone loves music, in some way, wether it be playing, singing, writing, listening to one direction, whatever. 

NET is a charismatic ministry that uses praise and worship for it's team prayers and community prayers. I only experienced it a few times in England but I loved it, or at least I knew it was something that I wanted to continue doing. Over here, it is a daily part of my life. As a team we have team prayer and that consists of anything we want. But without fail we sing and play songs. I love sharing my gift and bringing others into that prayerful mood through music. For anyone who has not tried it then I recommend it. Very freeing and a great way to meet Jesus and invite him into your life.

I am planning on recording some stuff this year and then uploading onto this blog and onto my youtube channel (watch this space). 

In other news......

I have added two pages to my blog, Photos and Saints. As time goes on I will post photos and add stories from and about saints as well as quotes that I find. It is a work in progress and I ask for patience as I try and find time to put it together.


Next year I will be staying in Australia, I will be working for NET staff and living in Brisbane. I love Brisbane, I love NET and I love this country. If anyone reading this would like more information on what I do and are interested in doing it then just email me or Facebook me with what you want to know. NET are looking for 60 volunteers this year to fill ten teams placed all around Australia. It is a great ministry to be a part of. Think about it!

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for you

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
(1 Thessalonians 5:24)


Friday 17 August 2012


Not talking about Mary's Assumption but it was the other day and the team and I went to the Cathedral in Townsville and it was beautiful. About a fifth full and the singing was incredible. People lifted their voices to celebrate the feast. 

Last year I came to Australia with many assumptions. Below are some of the assumptions that have all been proved wrong.

1) Australia is hot all year round.

It most certainly is not!!!! Melbourne from March - September is incredibly cold. Lows of freezing sometimes and during the day the sun only feels hot between 11 and 2. I got the shock of my life when we needed to use jumpers, double blankets and heaters to stay warm at night. During the summer season, it is stunning. Real hot and depending where you are it is either very humid, very dry or very very wet. Being in Townsville at the moment is comfortable, sometimes I need a jumper but mostly if you don't put on some sun cream you will get burnt. I love this country and the weather is just a massive bonus.

2) AFL

Australian Football League, Aussie Rules, 'Gay'FL whatever you want to call it (the last one is a term used by people in Queensland for AFL, I don't condone or approve of it but it is a commonly used term. I went to the MCG a few times last year. For you English, that is the home of cricket in Australia and the place of great victory last ashes! Seeing AFL on the TV is very different from watching it live. It is fun to watch it on TV as you get the commentator expelling things and giving you background information but you miss what all the other players are doing. I can't be bothered to explain the rules here so here is a link if you care: 
I love AFL, it is a great game to watch and a lot of fun to mess around and play. Go Hawks! The team I follow is Hawthorne Hawks. Going really well this year and looking good for the flag. (win)

3) All Aussies sound the same

Nope not true, it's a little bit like the north south divide in the UK, the higher up you go the stronger the accents get. Think north sounds more like Steve Irwin and south sounds more like Adam Hills.

The last assumption I made was a personal one, and that was that I was already a 'good enough' Christian. I was most definitely wrong. My year and 8 months in Oz have been productive for my faith on a massive scale. My daily prayer is a rock in my life and when I miss it or I don't try I can see the effects of that over the course of my day.

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers for you

"For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope"
(Jeremiah 29:11)


Sunday 12 August 2012

Missing home for the first time

Been catching up on TV on my days off and only just got around to London 2012. Watching the opening ceremony for the London Olympics made me miss home. Hearing the music, seeing the sights, feeling the emotion! It was a great event. 
It was the first time that I have actually missed home a bit since I got here. I will always love England but a part of me feels at home in Australia. It just feels right. I have been following the Olympics via the BBC Sport website and I realised that the last Olympics in Beijing I was travelling around Oz with Clare after World Youth Day. I really believe that I am supposed to be here as things have popped up in my life that seem to have always pointed me to Australia. I don't miss home too much because I am having a great time out here. But I do miss some people. Family and friends. That is the hardest thing about being so far away, I can't just go meet up with people.

Following God's call is such a tough thing sometimes. How do we know? What is he saying to me? He isn't talking to me!? To know God's voice in our life is one of the hardest things to figure out. But it is something that I have learnt over the last year and a half. God speaks to me everyday, helps me through the struggles and celebrates the joys with me. That is what God does. He is the parent who just wants to share life with us.

Last february I moved to Melbourne. We arrived and got a tour of the school where we would be working. It looked amazing. Mazenod College is a private all boys Catholic school run the missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI). We were introduced to the school at an assembly and got straight into running RE classes and planning events and helping the school with bringing students closer to Jesus. It was never easy last year as a lot of people judged us before they even spoke to us and it was hard to get people to excited about what was going on when they were surrounded by so many voices. The first half of the year at Mazenod (Feb-Jul) was full of challenges that really made me think about the sort of leader I was. I had been appointed a Team Leader and had to plan the schedule, team time, team prayer and a lot more while also trying to experience the ministry as a Catholic youth worker. I loved being at Mazenod, the students were fun and looking back now, I miss some of the times I had. Coaching a year 7 Soccer team, running lunchtime prayer liturgies, playing music with the seniors, being with the teachers and just hanging out playing sport at break. Our ministry was really a ministry of presence, be seen, be heard and be a witness. People saw the NET team and they knew who they were, young Catholics.

Hope that those who are reading this are having a great day, great life and know that Jesus loves you

Please pray for me and be assured of my prayer for you

"Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David - that is my gospel, for which I am chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained."
(2 Timothy 2:8-9)


Saturday 11 August 2012

Training for the year ahead!

So right now I am just back from watching some rugby league. The North Queensland Cowboys smashed the New Zealand Warriors 42-12. Great game! Go Cowboys! (my league team for my time in Oz) It's probably the major sport in Queensland, League is well followed. Every year they have something called 'State of Origin'. It's between the Queensland Maroons and the New South Wales Blues. For the last 7 or 8 years (I forget) it has been the Maroons who have triumphed. If you go to Victoria the biggest sport is AFL (Go Hawks) . It is weird being in a place where Football is different across states. Football = League in Queensland, AFL in victoria and Union in New South Wales. Soccer is Football, it is a much lower quality than back home but cheap and fun to watch. 

I get to watch a bit of cricket soon as the u19 Cricket World Cup is coming to Queensland. England play Australia and Ireland next weekend and it is just down the road from my house. Should be a good game.


Training last year was mad. I had no idea what to expect from it. I did not really know what I had let myself in for when I signed up for this 'NET' thing. We were put in dorms, boys with boys and girls with girls (obviously) and we started to get to know each other. Meal times and free time were spent chatting and hanging out. We played a lot of backyard cricket to pass time between sessions. More about cricket later!

The days started off with personal prayer, which included adoration, reconciliation and however we wanted to pray. It was a struggle at first because I was not used to the regular personal prayer. I had never been asked before to commit to prayer for one hour every day. That's right, I have to pray for one hour every day! I did not know what to do so it varied from day to day. Music, guitar, bible, journal, adoration, sitting and contemplating (a long word for daydreaming in my case), it was a challenge that took most of the year for me to really grasp hold of and see the power of daily personal prayer. 

Every day there was some sort of teaching or session. This varied depending on the theme of the day. There was so much thrown at us by so many gifted and wonderful speakers that I would simply miss out to much or not do them justice if I tried to explain all of them so here are 2 examples.

1) Holy Spirit - NET is a Charismatic Catholic Youth Ministry. It means that as a ministry we/they exercise and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit within our lives. I didn't really know what that meant for me. The only 'charismatic' prayer I had experienced had been at Celebrate (Christian conference in England) with Sion and through my good friends Sarah & David Beresford. I knew praise & worship (living my hands, singing freely and praising God essentially) and a bit of being led by the spirit to hear words, see pictures or find scripture. The Holy Spirit is not something that had ever been taught to me much. Yes I did confirmation but I don't remember anything that I was told or it was nothing like this. The Holy Spirit is someone I can call on to help me, comfort me, protect me, strengthen me and a lot more. In my life I can use the gifts that God has given to me through the Holy Spirit to pray, listen and live a better Christian life. The day finished with a massive prayer time in which some incredible musicians led worship and we were taken on a journey to inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives and experience the power of God through the HS. Incredible!

2) Testimony - Our time on NET is focused on sharing the Good News of Jesus with young people, and a way that we can do that is to share our story. We had a day where we looked at our lives and wrote a 3 minute testimony which we would share eventually share with young people. It was a great way to look at how God has worked in my life and was really special to hear how He had worked in others. 

NET training flows from looking at our faith, what we believe, having separate sessions for the men and women to look at what it means to be a man/woman of God to being put on teams to practising material for retreats and learning about each other and how to live with each other. 5 weeks just flies past and I can't believe that it was a year and a half ago now. I had a great time and I cannot wait for my next one. Thats right I will be spending a 3rd year in Australia but as a NET Staff member (more on what that is some other time).

So Cricket! There has been a tradition (3 years of it) that the Australians on NET play against the Internationals on NET in a 40over game of Cricket with a few different rules thrown in. I came onto NET after seeing our wonderful England cricket team smash the Australians in the Ashes and I was very loud about it, any heckling brought on some Barmy Army style banter! So, I was pieced to be captain and I had a huge task ahead of me. It turns out that the Australians had never won this competition before and I had to keep that tradition going! Being captain, I went around got people interested and we had a massive team of 14 (ish) who were willing to give it a go. We had 2 POMs, some Kiwi's and 2 South Africans (we were the only ones who knew anything about cricket) we had some Americans and Canadians (who mostly knew nothing). Cut a long story short, it was hot, it was fierce, it rained just before the match started so we had wet patches and the tarp we put down did not keep the strip dry but WE WON! by around 5 runs! The internationals were victorious! Was a great day and a lot of fun!

After training we headed down to Brisbane to have 2 retreats for real which was scary and exciting, and then we were commissioned by the then Archbishop of Brisbane John Bathersby (ABJB). Before I knew it I was on a plane heading to Melbourne to work in a an all boys school with 1400 students! 

Next time: Mazenod College, Melbourne, AFL, Team life!

Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you

Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you--guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us. 
(2 Timothy 1:14)


Wednesday 8 August 2012

How it all began

G'day everyone,
Last year I spent a few days in January in Newcastle with the Gray's, the host family that put Shaun and I up for World Youth Day in 2008. It was a great way to start my time in Oz. I then flew up to start my year in Brisbane. I was headed to 'The BEAT school of music'. I was unsure as to wether I wanted to go to this bit as it didn't really seem like my thing.I arrived in Brisbane and I was the last pick up that day from the airport. Got in the van and met some other 'NETters'. They were from all over the world, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. I remember feeling a bit nervous, I was going to be spending a year with these people and I had no idea wether I would like them even. Turns out they were all lovely, and still are. I keep in touch with all of them still. The 'BEAT' was run by a group called 'emmanuelworship', they are a Catholic Worship Band who go all over the world playing at conferences, events and running music workshops for parishes, schools and dioceses. There were individual instrument workshops for guitar, bass, drums, piano and singing. We learnt songs that we would play throughout our year, we learnt how to lead others in praise & worship and there was a showcase to see the talents of each other.

It was a great few days, however, it was interrupted and cut short by the floods in Brisbane. For those people reading this and remember the floods in Australia being on the news, it was amazing to see it first hand. Obviously it was devastating but there was something about the seeing the power and seeing the water rise in front of my eyes and seeing houses disappear overnight that was just incredible. I was staying with a family called the Gleeson's. They were wonderful and just so kind. Where I was staying was on a hill and there was a river behind our house a bit further down. I would take a walk to see the river with a friend and we could go right down to the river bank. Then just a day later the whole bank of the river was under and the water was flowing so quickly. Before we knew it the water was onto the road and creeping into peoples houses. Just a few streets away there lived some relatives of the Glessons and there house was in danger of going under, so we started clearing out there house. If you went to the back porch of the house on day 1 of the clear out you could see the houses stretching about 4 back, (going down hill) by day 2 the house directly behind was affected by water and the houses behind that were either completely underwater or half under. When we finished clearing out the house we were wading through ankle deep water to get the final things out of the house.

The whole street was helping everyone out. It was great to kindness and love being shown in such a big way. The house next door belonged to a staff member of NET but their house was set lower than the one that we were clearing. When the floods (in that area) reached their maximum height the house we cleared was under about 8 or 9 feet of water and the house next door was only showing the roof.

Over a year on some houses are still going under renovations and fixing, but this year there was another dose of heavy rain in January so a lot of people again experienced flooding. Australia has been in drought for years and finally they got some rain, so for some farmers and land owners it was much needed. A dam just outside Brisbane when I was there reached 160% full! The dam apparently has an overflow capacity but it was close to actually overflowing so they had to open the dam gates and that caused a lot of the flooding.

After that we headed up to Peregian Beach, a town a couple of hours north of Brisbane where we started our 5 weeks of training. That will be the next post!Right now I am sitting outside at 8am with a 25 degree sun and some wallabies sitting the other side of the fence. I love this country and it is incredibly beautiful, I am so blessed to be here. Going to see some our youth group perform in the 'Seusical' tonight. Very excited about that!There is lots on for us to keep busy with and plan ahead for. We are planning a weekend conference for young adults aged 16-30 called Breakthrough. The Australian Catholic Bishops have set this year (pentecost 2012-pentecost 2013) as the year of Grace, an opportunity to contemplate the face of Christ. We are linking it with that theme and will hopefully through the speakers, the theme and the prayer bring people closer to Jesus.

Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you.

"My grace is sufficient for you"

(2 Corinthians 12:9)


Saturday 4 August 2012

Here it goes again........

Ok, so I have not updated this since January 2011! What a joke!

For those that were interested, I am sorry.

Me August 2012!

Well, first I should start with where I am at right now. I live in Townsville. Townsville is in North Queensland in Australia. I am living with four others working for the same company as before, NET Ministries. NET is a Catholic peer to peer youth ministry that spreads the message of the Gospel around Australia. I love what I do and I enjoy it more than anything else. Currently me and my team run retreat days, RE classes, youth groups, we help out at diocesan events and a lot of face to face time with young people to be a witness of Jesus Christ to them.

As time goes on I will update with what I have already experienced so far down under. It will come in bits and pieces as no one wants to read a really long blog post.

I want all those people that know me to know that since I have left England I have grown into my faith and experienced God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my work and in my daily life. I have not changed as a person I am still the Sean people know, once knew or never knew but I am not the Sean that left. 

Every blog post I put up will contain a memory or event from the last year and a half. So the first one is from last year at the very beginning of training. We (all the volunteers) were getting into vans to drive up to a place called Peregian for our five weeks of training. I ended up in the passenger seat of the van next to a bloke called Danny. Now Danny and I hit it off straight away. So many similar interests and we both loved music. The whole van ride was spent chatting and getting to know each other. Undoubtedly my best mate in Oz. We spent a lot of training really becoming good friends. This year I had the pleasure of being at his wedding as he married his beautiful wife Carla.

Danny and I playing at our training showcase.

So many wonderful things have happened to me and I cannot wait to share them with you all.

At the moment I do not know where to start so I will just start with some pictures of who I live with, who I have lived with, everyone I work with on NET and some other stuff.

My team from 2011, Mazenod College Team

The 2012 NET Ministries 'Netters' Volunteers

My current team - The 2012 Townsville Diocese Team and the wonderful people I live with!

Some incredible people on a retreat last year

Enjoying some relaxation

Getting ready for a retreat!

Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you.

‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. 
(Zechariah 4:6)
